Charlotte Recreation
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Charlotte Beach Passes Register View Cart

Season passes can be purchased on our website starting Dec. 10th, 2024!

The Charlotte beach is open to the community to enjoy the beautiful scenery and the amenities it offers. The beach is daily from 8am-10pm. There will be beach attendants present from 10am-8pm to assist with parking. The beach will be open starting Saturday, May 24th with a beach attendant present from 10:00am-8:00pm until Labor Day weekend.

Please review the information below before your first trip to the beach: To purchase a pass, please visit and click on the beach photo on the front page of the website. You must create a household account to purchase the pass if you have not done so already.Season Pass – Once you purchase a season pass online:
1.) Please print your receipt or have it visible on your phone for the attendant to review during your first visit to the beach. They will then hand you a beach sticker to attach to your vehicle. Please note: Season passes will only be given out at the beach when it opens.
2.) There is a limit of purchasing two (2) passes online for Charlotte residents only! Non residents will not be able to purchase a second pass for $10. If you are a resident and would like to purchase two (2) passes, purchase the first pass, then there will be an option at the end (the very end) of that transaction to purchase an additional pass. Please list all information for the vehicle(s) you wish to use.

Day Pass – Once you purchase a day pass online:
1.) Your daily parking pass will only be available on the day of purchase.
2.) Show the attendant your receipt and they will provide you with a day pass with the date listed. Please make sure your pass is visible on your dashboard.

Purchasing passes at the Beach – Cash or check will be accepted at the beach.
-We ask that you help the attendant by paying with small bills or exact change as they are carrying a limited amount of change.
-If you are paying with a check please make it payable to: Town of Charlotte and that a phone number is printed on the check.

Daily Parking Fee:
Resident : $5
Non-Resident: $10

Season Parking Pass:
Resident Pass: $30
Additional parking pass: $10 (You must purchase your second pass with your first pass purchase, an extra pass cannot be purchased at a later date)

Non-Resident $60 
Additional parking pass can be purchased for $60

Cyanobacteria Tracker -- CLICK HERE

Continued Policies...
-A current beach pass MUST be attached to your front left bumper at all times.
-Town of Charlotte does not employ lifeguards at the beach. Swimming is unsupervised and at the risk of the individual user.
-Alcohol is permitted, however, kegs of beer or alcoholic beverages in bulk containers (larger than 1 gallon) are prohibited in the park.
-Dogs and other pets are NOT allowed at the town beach or any facilities around it which include park area, tennis courts, playgrounds, and ball fields.
-Boats are not allowed in the swimming area. Use the southern section of the beach front, when launching small boats such as canoes and kayaks.
-Open fires are permitted ONLY in the picnic area inside the BBQ grills.
-Tennis court facilities are available on a first-come basis for Tennis unless it has been reserved for recreation program. Please allow rotation of the next players in line to use the court after one hour of play.
-Please follow our carry-in/carry-out procedures to help minimize trash at our beach. Glass bottles are not allowed at the beach.
-The beach attendant on duty will deal with infractions of the above regulations.
-There is no parking permitted on either side of Lake Road

Please help us enforce these rules, so that our beach area is clean and safe for our community. For questions or concerns contact the Recreation Director, Zac Farnham-Haskell via email at

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Daily Beach Pass - 2025 
N/A N/A SuMTuWThFSa  05/26/2025 - 09/30/2025
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Charlotte Town Beach
See Options
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Non Resident Season Beach Pass - 2025 
N/A N/A SuMTuWThFSa  05/26/2025 - 09/30/2025
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Charlotte Town Beach
See Options
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Resident Season Beach Pass - 2025 
N/A N/A SuMTuWThFSa  05/26/2025 - 09/30/2025
10:00 AM - 08:00 PM

Charlotte Town Beach
See Options
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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