We’re Back to 5 Trips, and ready!2024 Bolton Valley/Charlotte Ski & Ride ProgramFive week program, on Wednesdays - after school on Feb.14th, 21st, March 6th, 13th,+ 20th.
(make-up date this season is Mar. 27th). Open to students in grades K - 8… Kindergarten, 1st,
and 2nd graders must be accompanied by a chaperone, or shared chaperone.
• Cost is $149, **includes bus or car transport. Lessons are mandatory for new skiers and
boarders (+$65), optional for others at $75 (available only up to “level 3” – lift ready and linking
turns). Students signed up for lessons must commit to taking them for the entire program.
**Students who hold a Bolton Season Pass or are 5 and under, the Program cost is $55.
** All checks made out to “Charlotte Recreation” + handed in to CCS office, (not Town Hall)
• Chaperones are needed to maintain a 1-to-10 ratio to students. Chaperones ski free or at
sharply reduced rates and are expected to help and have fun. Some Chaperones are needed
to ride the bus. Please help if you can. More information at the meeting!
Buses leave CCS after school and return to CCS by 7:40 pm. Students MUST, (unless prearranged), return the same way they arrived. If changes occur for the ride home, the Parent or
Child MUST notify the bus coordinator or the driver of the car in which your child arrived.
• Program/School Equipment is available at no charge on a “first come/first serve” basis. We
make every effort to outfit everyone who needs equipment. Helmets are now required to reduce
potential head injury and keep heads warm. We have helmets for loan. (If preferred, BV offers
whole discounted season packages for asp participants for $109 (you can keep until April). We
can use more equipment… please donate if you can, (especially shaped skis & helmets).
Registration acceptance is on a first come/ first serve basis due to space availability.
Payment (check) + electronic Registrations are due by Friday, January 12th, (Please identify
student in check memo) but you can begin Registration now. A late fee after Jan. 19th.
******Registration form link (please follow prompts + submit) :
CLICK HEREPlease Note: Bolton Valley will not accept any registrations from us after Friday, Jan.22nd!
* Questions? Michael Krasnow, 802-425-3997 or email at:
mkrasnow1@gmail.com***Financial Aid / Scholarships, (need-based), are available for any student, call Michael
Krasnow, or CCS Guidance Counselor Betsy Lloyd, 802-425-6641 for information